Site Notice

Information pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Super Global GmbH
Luise-Ullrich-Straße 20
80636 München

Commercial Register: HRB 27823
Registration court: München

Super Global GmbH is a registered AIFM according with §§ 2 (4), 44 KAGB and is subject to a limited supervisory regime.
The volume of assets under management is limited and restricted to distribution to semi-professional and professional investors only.

Represented by:
Daniel Knoblach


Phone: 089 51 770 450


Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:

Information regarding professional liability insurance

Name and registered office of the insurer:
Felix Fetzer
Lindwurmstrasse 49
80337 München

Scope of insurance:

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

Important Information on Depot Brokerage

1. Within the framework of a custody account brokerage to an EU-Broker or Interactive Brokers (IBKR), Super Services Global SA acts as a sub-broker of Systrade AG, Landstrasse 63, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, an asset management company within the meaning of Art. 3 VVG approved by the FMA Liechtenstein. Concrete investments are not the object of the activity. Neither investment advice nor investment brokerage is provided. For this reason, any liability of Super Services Global SA for possible later transactions of the interested party with the respective broker is excluded, unless otherwise agreed in a separate contract concluded with Super Services Global SA.

2. The respective EU-Broker or IBKR will explain his services to the interested party himself and provide him directly with documents. He must and will decide for himself whether any investment forms and services offered by the EU-Broker or IBKR or any trading systems and services offered there correspond to his wishes in their risks and circumstances. No plausibility check of investment opportunities and services offered by the respective EU-Broker or IBKR was carried out by Super Services Global SA or Systrade AG. The intermediary is not obliged to provide any information or risk advice in this respect.

3. The Super Services Global SA receives remuneration for a successful custody referral to an EU-Broker or IBKR via its parent broker, Systrade AG, from the fees charged to the client by the respective EU-Broker or IBKR. The interested party agrees that this remuneration may partly remain with Systrade AG. A conflict of interest arises from the fact that Super Services Global SA is remunerated via the superordinate broker, Systrade AG, as there is ultimately an interest in the interested party becoming an EU broker or IBKR announced by Super Services Global SA.

Image credits

Adobe Stock:
AdobeStock_277530483 — Tippapatt
AdobeStock_303617425 — amnaj
AdobeStock_283754404 — Flamingo Images
AdobeStock_400166074 — Rido
AdobeStock_416707131 — Melinda Nagy
AdobeStock_461257092 — Deemerwha Studio
AdobeStock_512503069 — amnaj
AdobeStock_303377125 — Greenbutterfly
AdobeStock_311664530 — ipopba
AdobeStock_356093568 — TechSolution
AdobeStock_208463926 — Blue Planet Studio
AdobeStock_277530486 — Tippapatt
AdobeStock_413959238 — Blue Planet Studio
AdobeStock_416057184 — Who is Danny
AdobeStock_520811518 —

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